What is the largest component of the construction cost in a standard cleanroom facility?
This module offers a detailed look into the design and construction of cleanrooms, the utility matrix that guides the design process, and typical mechanical systems and devices that support the cleanroom, illustrated with examples and dos and don’ts from actual projects.
Module elements
- Definitions
- Classifications
- Standards revision
- Cleanroom construction – features, materials
- Detailed design – HVAC and contamination control
- Filters, airlocks and pressure differentials
- Airflow quantity and pattern and floor arrangement
- Typical systems and devices
Who should sign up
We recommend that you certify yourself for Cleanrooms 101 before signing up for this module. Packed with Q&A sessions, practicals, tips, this module works as an entry-level program and as a quick refresher for experienced professionals. Ideal for
About the instructor .
Sant Advani is a mechanical engineer with over 47 years of experience in the HVAC and cleanroom industry. He set up Airtech, a contamination control company in 1984 which he sold to his staff in 2011. Sant now runs a contamination control advisory service and conducts training programs on cleanrooms for the life sciences industry. He is a member of ISHRAE, ASHRAE, ISPE (International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering) and IEST (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, USA). He is an expert salsa and tango dancer and has won the Western Regional Championship.